Thursday, November 7, 2019

new ring acts

have added a few new acts to our show 

adding to the car barns two new out buildings

working on our car barns again  these are the two out buildings  used to store  equipment and wagons 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

modern RBBB train displayed at the Twin City Model railroad show

two new displays   top one  is of the modern  area style  wagons      the bottom is  from the  days of when they were under canvas     the top cars are the Ringling private  cars      then  the 4th row down  are detailed   workers and  performers  cars  and below that are detailed   elephant and horse cars  the bottom row is a pie car  tunnel car and  a old advertising car   the display pieces are  insulation foam  sprayed  a light blue    and  for  moving  the fit on top of one another making a square box    experimented with  some green paint  but  made the back ground too dark   for my liking 
two Lou Jacobs  clown gags  in HO  for our circus  display's

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

this is our  Great Circus Parade train  with most of the wagons that were ever taken by train to Milwaukee or Chicago