Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another item for the parade

this is a big wheel with clown that I will be adding to our Parade

the wheel was made from flower wire with the supports bent over a piece of wood
small washers glued to the sides and a small ball for a little decoration

Sunday, November 29, 2009

LA #12 RBBB "Donut" Cat B9

these are copies off the original drawings and sketches of Lucky Allen these are all dated March 1976 and was told he drew most of these while in the hospital

Saturday, November 28, 2009

LA # 5, 6,7,8 plans

 #5 RBBB shifting cage wagons,   # 6 Hippi wagon, #8 RBBB car wagon #99,  #9 RBBB preforming Seals


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Plans for Neds stantions and sign posts

this is a plan for our stantions I use a information sheet on the top of each one

telling about the display or how or what I used to create it I have found that they are

good for opening conversations with the public were most will not ask questions it is a way to convey a little information with the hopes they will ask more

Monday, October 12, 2009

New street finished

finished the new street scene and it made it debue at a show this past weekend 10/10
was well received  this is block # 11   so when we have it all set up it will represent  one mile and one tenth

Sunday, August 16, 2009

decorama progress

progress being made back drop finished roofs for the buildings and still adding some detail to the insides of some of the buildings

Friday, July 31, 2009

Newest Project

after putting this project off for several years we finally am starting to make some progress
its a rendition of the north side of the 600 block of College Ave in Appleton Wis
it will be added to our street parade so after the additon it will be a mile and one block
starting on the left side we have the rail road crossing at college ave then the stores that were there in the 1940s starting with a Fredericks barber shop then Junake Jewerly, Helens frame shop they actually were in the same building but it was split down the center
Kimballs Shoe repair Ackers Tavern, Lethen's second hand store, Kronberg's Market
Tastee Bakery, Farimont Dairy, Schafer's Groc, and ends at State steet with Klines Tavern
several of the building we are going to try to detail on the inside and then finish it off with lots of people to watch our parade

Saturday, July 18, 2009

another year helping with the Great Circus Parade
Milwaukee 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Circus parade set up

Each of the Red boxes hold the entire display and each Red box becomes a 12 ft table
each box is 4ft long and 30 inches wide with a 4 ft wing on each end
giving us 36 ft of table display each box is 4 ft high these were built about 30 years ago and other than having to touch up the paint job on them they have held up very well
and has made moving the display very easy

another note on each of the stantions we put a plackard discribing the display and also one tells of what products we used to create it the plackards are held by drilling a hole in the end of the stantion putting in a piece of copper pipe with a fourty five degree angle in it and attaching a 8x10 piece of plywood with a acrllic protecter on the face

Saturday, June 6, 2009

An added note there are two great well stocked Hobby stores in the St Paul area.
and lots of train watching as the Burlington Santa Fe Main line runs right behind the building

Monday, May 25, 2009

thought I had a better picture of the seated people

template for grand stand people

I used several of these templates in making the seat wagons that have been posted on this site first I reduced them to the size I needed they are presently in 1/2 inch scale

then printed on card stock cutting around the heads customizing a bit leaving hats on or off or changing a hair style a bit then when arranging on the seat wagons tryied not to arrange so we did not have blocks of all one color

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the back of the box showing shelf placement

here is the newest addition to our circus a box with wheels and shelves for transporting

some of our show this also gives us a small mobil work table

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

section of our parade with circus acts in front

Sunday, January 4, 2009

some HO RBBB equipment (Gas Cut)

Picture 1 station wagon (mini tanks) dump jeep (army minature) train light plant (Simmons)
donut (converted matchbox) wagon (kit bashed minitank) wagon (Circus train Minature)
Stake puller cat ( converte matchbox) circus wagon (circus train Minature)
Picture 2 Jeep (minitanks) scratch built big top pole wagon , Cat (Walters) Water truck
(kit batched Jordan) Cat on dolly (cat is matchbox dollie is kit batched) Truck side poles and canvas( Minitanks kit batched) Cat Canvas hoist (kit batched Matchbox) 4 wheel pull up tractor
(Viking )
Picture 3 Big top Canvas (kit batched minitanks) Cat with crane ( matchbox kitbatched)
canvas cat (unknown kit batched) Big top Canvas truck (kit batched Minitanks)
Wagon (scratch)

2 new wagons

newly painted 5 Graces New Swan Band wagon from a kit (Sparkling Star) and the last one is a scratch built using some jewelry finding these are all HO wagons

was a good day to stay in side and put some time in the wagon shop